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  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Video Studio was a PVC tensile skin stretched over
  • ... large projection screen and an optical viewing console with an automated pair of slide projectors. Due to the screen's...
  • Virtual Book -
    Virtual Book : Augmentation of a real book boosted by semantic text analysis. The Virtual Book (2006) The concept of the book as an interactive knowledge structure was inspired by Marvin Minsky's vision from the early 1990s. He said, "Can you
  • Voz Alta -
    ... As the megaphone amplifies the voice, a 10kW searchlight automatically "beams" the voice as a sequence of flashes: if the voice...
  • VR Aquarium - video
    ... telepresence which enhanced the immersion in a synthetic and autonomous ecology inside the virtual reality landscape. The data...
  • Walk Münster -
    Walk Münster, Park I Location: Münster inner city The artist has created for the exhibition visitor an individual Walkman-tour through the inner city of Münster, wherein she draws from the didactic form of guided audio tours. Instead of a
  • Photos, Installation Visitors of World Skin, a Photo Safari in the Land of War at FACT Liverpool exhibition sk-interface
  • Waterquake
    In Waterquake long lengths of tubing were dropped into a canal and then slowly inflated with air and smoke. The tubing emerged from the water, filling the canal and then spilling over into the surrounding streets. The spectators pulled and knotted
  • Wavefunction -
    ... system detects their presence and the closest chairs automatically begin to lift off the ground, creating the crest of a...
  • ... are partly controllable by the viewer. Hypothetical creatures, autonomous and life-like, live in these worlds. Artificial life...