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  • Art Total -
    The relationship between the work and its frame and between art and its spaces for exhibition and legitimisation has been one of the preoccupations of twentieth-century artists. In the multiple conceptual acrobatics which led Klein to exhibit
  • Audible Collage -
    The audio play "Audible Textcollage" offers a performance in which two electronic reporters, Klara and Rainer, based on AT&T Text-to-Speech, using rule-based AI methods, have a conversation about the book and also provide a book review of the print
  • Audience -
    ... to install it in a way that the mirrors are creating an autonomous play of light patterns on the wall.
  • Autobiography -
    ... which the software implements. My earliest exploration of autobiographical materials were paintings based on family photos, but...
  • ...Giving the first impression of a simple commodity sculpture "AutoGene" lures the viewer into a false sense of security which is then at the...
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... structures, electronics, laboratory and hydroponic equipment Autoinducer_Ph-1 probes into and interferes with the symbiotic...
  • Automatic WritingArtist: William KentridgeComment:
  • ...The oil reserve is autonomous. A resource that is intended to be available in the case of dwindling oil supplies. The reservoir can hold about...
  • ... that produce themselves, or regenerate, in a ceaseless way. An autopoietic system is at the same time the producer and the product....
  • Autopoiesis -
    ... telephone tones, which are a musical language for the group. Autopoiesis is "self making", a characteristic of all living systems...