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  • ... with critics and artists that helped shape his artistic thought. His research often focuses on representing the unobservable, the imperceptible. Active in the arts since the early 2000s, he experimented with video, photography, and digital...
  • ... normal human gaze, but which is becoming attainable through contemporary technology. Bodyraction amazes with its nonpathetic, unobtrusive poetic, with which the images enter the viewers’ consciousness and make them fully realise that the actual, completely...
  • ... substitution algorythm - if this that The valfarity of address think what the thing is not David Liebskin - the Unoriginal alphabet metabet polybet megabet 16 alphabet betabet deltabet gamabet vocabulary of motions linear architecture | mobile...
  • Image Fulgurator -
    ... an image to be projected on an object exactly at the moment when someone else is photographing it. The intervention is unobtrusive because it takes only a few milliseconds. Every photo another photographer takes of an object at which the Fulgurator is...
  • ... auch an den Medien, an den vielen Dimensionen des Medialen arbeitet. Sie untersucht den kommunikativen Hintergrund der Unord­nung von Informationen, deren unmittelbaren und mittelbaren Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesellschaft und setzt diese in...