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  • ... reaction and reflection. She was professor of Media Art Lab at Tama Art University in Japan. Her works have been exhibited and...
  • Stolen Life -
    ... that the life of a creation can be dependent on its owner (the Tamagochi). The two demonstrate the idea that a creation can,...
  • ... comme modalités de base de dialogue homme/objet. Le Tamagoshi de notre enfance : l’utilisateur satisfait les besoins de...
  • Installation using real-time computer simulation. When you depict the movement of parts of the human body in a time/value co-ordinate system, you get various wave forms; in the case of repetitive movement, sine waves. During movement, most parts of
  • Homes
    “Homes” is an interactive installation, which shows the exact, detailed virtual copy of the interior of three Tai O fishermen's family houses. The visitor can walk through, look around, and examine details of the interiors by using a simple computer
  • ... will never forget than he is moving through a virtual world of Tamás Waliczky's perception and creation. "Focus" is made up of...
  • After finishing the computer animation version of "The Forest", Waliczky began to work on the second, interactive variant of "The Forest", in collaboration with Jeffrey Shaw and Sebastian Egner. Here, the animation becomes part of an interactive
  • In 1991 Waliczky wrote the script for THE GARDEN, an animation based on an idea which came from an old piece of Super-8 film, made over ten years before, showing a little girl playing in a country garden. The artist's aim was to portray the
  • ... the life of the artists is changing. Budapest, May 8th, 1990, Tamás Waliczky
  • Pictures
    "In 1988, after completing the "Mobiles" series, Waliczky made a five minute computer animation which he called PICTURES. Based on a set of digitally manipulated snapshots from a family photo album, the work is like a slide show in virtual form: