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  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Life Spacies In Siggraph’99 Conference Abstracts and Applications, , 170. New York: ACM, 1999.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. La importancia de los institutos mediaticos de caracter interdisciplinario In Cibervisión 99: Arte Ciencia Nuevas Tecnologias: I Muestra Internacional, edited by Karin Ohlenschläger, 34-41. Madrid: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,...
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Life Spacies In SMAU’99, Milano, IT: 1999.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing edited by F. Magalhães and Diana Domingues, 43. Porto Alegre, Brazil: 1999.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau and Robert Lopez-Gulliver and Mika Satomi. IKI-IKI Phone - A Multi-user Alife Art Game for Mobile Phones In Cast01 - Living in Mixed Realities Conference Proceedings, edited by Frauenhofer Institute, 113-117. Bonn: Frauenhofer...
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Art as a Living System LEONARDO Journal 32, no. 3 (1999): 165-173.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Arte Y Ciencia - La Creacion en Todo su Potencial In Cyber@rt IV Muestra Internacional des Nuevas Tecnologias Tecnologías, Arte y Comunicación, edited by Angela Molina, 76-83. Valencia: 1999.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. HAZE Express In Cyber: criação na era digital, edited by R. Trindade, 7. Lisbon, Portugal: Centro Cultural de Belém, 1999.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. HAZE Express In CyberArts 1999: International Compendium - Prix Ars Electronica 1999, edited by Hannes Leopoldseder and Christine Schöpf, 92-93. Vienna, New York: Springer Verlag, 1999.
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Ars Electronica - Facing the Future, , 393-394. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999.