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  • Aspects of Gaia -
    The installation is a 2-level schematization of this telematic Gaia. One level is presented in tents, with computer graphic images contributed by networkers around the world, and which can be further manipulated by participants in the tents.
  • The first interactive moviemap was produced at MIT in the late 1970s of Aspen, Colorado. A gyroscopic stabilizer with 16mm stop-frame cameras was mounted on top of a camera car and a fifth wheel with an encoder triggered the cameras every 10 feet.
  • Astrilab scenic apparatus is constituted by 3 different elements, all playing with each other. The functions of presenting Astri activities, representing Astri dynamism, and offering a playful way to experience innovation in action, are performed by
  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural
  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural
  • Ataraxia (EP) -
    Ataraxia (EP)Artist: German GomezComment:
  • Performance for a matrix of 64 illuminated gas balloons and sound A room is filled with deep, evolving noises from a four-channel sound system. An eight-by-eight array of white, self-illuminated spheres floats in space like the atoms of a complex
    video 2′ 'The latest research within the artist’s already distinguished paradigm has brought a few novelties. In the field of phisical laws the stress is on experimentig with magnetism and as far as the complex levels of her works of art are
  • four kinetic objects with magnets and metal particles dim: diameter 12 cm Kinetic objects take part in the multimedia project Attractions – Similarities that focuses on magnetism as a physical phenomenon, by visualizing it in various ways, using
  • Audible Collage -
    The audio play "Audible Textcollage" offers a performance in which two electronic reporters, Klara and Rainer, based on AT&T Text-to-Speech, using rule-based AI methods, have a conversation about the book and also provide a book review of the print