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  • ...Event: Ubiquité et emotionInstitution: PREAC “Les lieux et les temps de l’image”, Videoconference, Centre des Arts, Enghien les Bains and CRDP...
  • ...calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened thinking about nature’s ‘tangled bank’.
  • ... Since then my work “Eve Clone Series”was created possible to present Eve Clone’s artificial life interacting with audiences through3D...
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • ... synchronize the speed of their own rotation with that of the pre-programmed loop. Only when the two image layers coincide with each...
  • Titrisme -
    ... absence of a title, (Untitled) being sufficient to give it the precarious status of a work to be appreciated? Titling, in its...
  • ... to execute a computer programme. Algorithms are the preferred control modules of our contemporary realities of life. They...
  • Limitless2023 -
    ... and those that are struggling. This contrast emphasises the precarious nature of prosperity and the competing forces at play. As...
  • ...Event: BABEL conference: On the Beach: Precariousness, Risk, Forms of Life, Affinity, and Play at the Edge of the WorldInstitution: University...
  • Precarties -
    ...Event: PrecartiesInstitution: Museum of contemporary cutsComment: