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  • ...Bureaud, Annick.. Impressions du Brésil Art Press , no. 305 (october 2004).
  • ...Bureaud, Annick.. Impressions du Brésil Art Press , no. 305 (october 2004).
  • ... memories of objects and scenarios of participants and a set of presented real objects from which the visitor may choose from to...
  • ... memories of objects and scenarios of participants and a set of presented real objects from which the visitor may choose from to...
  • ... Art and Culture. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Person Prentice Hall, 2003.
  • ... statement that: "Contrary to the fear of the incompatible, so prevalent in the age of cloud-computing, the festival raises the...
    ... images and sound in a way that gives a sense of the presence of phantom-like intangible entities. The title (Incubator)...
  • Inertia
    ... with white noise. Upon recognition of the observer's presence, the static fades out, and the animation begins. The...
  • ... tilting the assemblage, pivoting two of its walls using a precise system of counter-weight, grooved pulleys and steel cables. ...
  • ... always continue their readings from the point at which the previous viewer stopped them. The resulting indeterminate assemblages...