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  • "The work series entitled netropolis is an exploration of the way global cities will develop in the future. Of similar magnitude to the impact of the industrial revolution in the late 19th century, it is now computer networks and the information
  • ... of the 21 Century. direction, stage: Chris Ziegler text: Michael Hewel / theater-m performer: Heinz Röser-Dümmig, Chris...
  • La Machine à idées -
    Sur un site de vente de produits high tech, la possibilité offerte au visiteur de participer à la conception de nouveaux produits avec l'aide active d'une interface de création, cataliseur d'innovation. conception: Maurice Benayoun design:
  • ... (Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer) and an architect (Michael Shamiyeh) we investigated the potential of modern media facades...
    ... and former William Forsythe/Ballett Frankfurt dancer Michael Schumacher. During the fifty minute work, the spectators...
  • ... Sassen at&t labs research Alexandre Gerber, Chris Rath, Michael Merritt, Jim Rowland
  • ... 1994 showing the project "The Intelligent Mailman" from Michael Bielicky.
  • ... for the tpc creaTVty award 2003 Martin Roth, translated by Michael O’Dell Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in front of...