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  • META -
    ...Event: METAInstitution: Galeria Municipal: Quartel da Arte Contemporânea de Abrantes - Coleção Figueiredo RibeiroComment: Event: METAInstitution: Galeria Municipal: Quartel da Arte Contemporânea de Abrantes - Coleção Figueiredo RibeiroComment:
  • ...Interview with Roy Ascott. Meta.Morf 2010: New.Brave.World! Trondheim, Norway November 2010
  • Meta Media -
    ...Event: Meta MediaInstitution: Haus am Horn WeimarComment:
  • "META.morfosis" -
    ... Cerveira Pinto Author(s): Various Print Press The META.morfosis project gathered the works of up to 26 outstanding... META.morfosis Museum and Art in the Digital Era Duration: January 27th – June 2006 Curated by: António Cerveira Pinto Author(s): Various...
  • ...Event: Meta.Morf 2010Institution: Trondheim Electronic Arts CenterComment: Event: Meta.Morf 2010Institution: Trondheim Electronic Arts CenterComment:
  • ...Penny, Simon. Meta Combat, an Analysis of Randellis War Story Praxis M Magazine 22 (1989).
  • ...Gangvik, Espen and Philip Beesley, ed. 2012 META.MORF A MATTER OF FEELING, Essay by Philip Beesley. Trondheim: TEKS Publishing, 2012.
  • A Matter of Feeling -
    ...Event: A Matter of FeelingInstitution: Meta, Morf 2012Comment:
  • ... of cosmology and eco-philosophy. By deconstructing sound and meta-language, the artist tests out modern communication space and in... The interdisciplinary artist MOON a.k.a. Martina Zelenika is visionary artist with a unique artistic expression. Artsist MOON combines the must...
  • ... derived from an unnamed 19th Century text which provided a meta-commentary on science and the Internet. Users were challenged to... Mercury Project combined robotics and archaeology in an interactive art installation. To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the first system...