Archive Search

  • ...Hsin Hsin, Lin. Love @ 1st Byte. Singapore: World Scientific Pub., 1992.
  • ...Event: Media. Time Festival: Wood and Byte.Institution: Centro Culturale TreviComment:
  • ...Anderson, Isabel. The Etcher's Byte: The Piety of the Print; The Pixelation of the Panoptic in Four Southern California Shows VISIONS Art... of the Panoptic in Four Southern California Shows VISIONS Art Quarterly (Spring 1994).
  • ...Lin Hsin Hsin. Love @ 1st Byte, ISBN: 978-981-02-1026-4, Vol.1. 1 th ed.Singapore, USA: World Scientific...
  • ... Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Media Time: WOOD and BYTE: Festival delle nuove tecnologie mulitmediali, edited by M. G....
  • Feed -
    ... it's search. Given a URL as input, FEED will read every byte of text and images contained in the tree of web pages starting at... byte of text and images contained in the tree of web pages starting at that URL. In the case of a site with many links, such as...
  • ... digital pictures are fluid. If the person stops moving, the byte picture changes into a real picture representing the person...
  • ... and Heritage Centre Altrincham. He had solo exhibitions at BYTE gallery Transylvania University (2015), Los Angeles Center of... Ryota Matsumoto is an artist, writer, and architect based in New York and Tokyo. Born in Tokyo, he was raised in Hong Kong and Japan. He...
  • ... explored the effects of the technological revolution on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such...
    ...Event: QUARXSInstitution: ART3000/France TelevisionComment: