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  • ...Grau, Oliver. Lembrem a phantasmagoria! Politica da ilusao do seculo XVIII e sua vida apos a morte multimedia In Arte, Ciencia e Tecnologia, edited by Diana Domingues, 239 - 260. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora UNESP, 2009.
  • Legal Tender -
    ... experiments on the bills by registering with an email address. After receiving a password, the user was assigned a random sector on either bill A or B along with a magnified view of that sector: Users were then invited to choose an experiment to...
  • Last Life -
    ...d’autres passent à observer cette fenêtre sur votre vie, est du temps de leur vie qu’ils dédient à la votre. Ça fait autant de Seconds of Life ($oL) à votre actif. Le gagnant n’est pas celui qui attire le plus l’attention, présent dans le Top 10, mais celui qui atteint...
  • Labylogue
    ...Event: LabylogueInstitution: Centre culturel Douta SeckComment:
  • ... and labs together to create a digital culture of innovation in Bremen: Transfer of research results into the corporate sector. At peak times, the MARS Lab consisted of more than 25 employees of different disciplines, nationalities and genders. Since...
  • La Membrane -
    ... celles-ci peuvent s'interpénétrer. La proximité du visiteur repousse ou attire la première surface pour laisser apparaître la seconde qui évolue à son tour pour faire entrevoir la suivante et ainsi de suite. Le visiteur pénètre ainsi la profondeur de...
  • Kwangju Biennale 2004 -
    ... culture as instruments of vibrant social networking. As hinted in the title "A Grain of Dust A Drop of Water" this is the secret of a small but the most articulating step towards directing the art world more accessible and encouraging creative cultural...
  • ... View it here and get involved with the Recode project. Karsten Schmidt also created Social Collider in the Network section of the exhibition
  • ...Wiener Secession, ed. Junge Szene Wien ´87, Ausstellungskatalog. Vienna: Wiener Secession, 1987.
  • Junge Szene Wien -
    ...Event: Junge Szene WienInstitution: SecessionComment: