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  • Seeing is believing -
    ... internet are displayed on it. You can't see but there exist lives of people you have never met before. There is another secret in this electric light display --- infrared ray is invisible to the naked eye, but you can read the letters when you get the...
  • Shirt -
    ... a space beyond and revealing a moving image: within the edges of the crack, the viewer sees the sea, the horizon, and a section of the sky. The image is slightly tilted; the horizontal line runs diagonally in the image section, as do the movements of...
  • ... it here and get involved with the Recode project. Karsten Schmidt also created Enerugii Wa Antee Shite Inai in the Code section of the exhibition
  • Sonicity -
    ... public space and how this affects the socialization of space. The project uses environmental monitoring technologies and security based technologies, to question audiences experiences of the event and space and gather data inside the space. The project...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... exists in real space, visitors interact with a virtual organic projected onto a screen via a special interface box. The second access point uses the world wide web as its user interface. In both systems, users evolve a three-dimensional organic...
  • SP3X -
    ... strengths of tangible interfaces with the visualization power of mixed reality. Users can create 3D models by defining cross sectional slices. Users wear a head-mounted display that allows them to see virtual objects, like the model they are creating,...
  • … is a series of works comprised of what Kac calls "biotopes", that is, living pieces that change during the exhibition in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions. Each of Kac's biotopes is literally a self-sustaining ecology
  • ...Event: Specimen of Secrecy about Marvelous DiscoveriesInstitution: Fringe ExhibitionsComment:
  • spectraII -
    ... corridor space, red laser lights mark out the architectural construction of the otherwise darkened space and divide it into sections. Along the length of the space, speakers and strobe lights are mounted in the ceiling. The flashing strobe lights and high...
  • ... the prey since spiders can only ingest liquids. Silk spinning glands are located at the tip of the abdomen. Spider silk is secreted through the spinnerets as liquid but hardens on air contact. A variety of silk created is to construct egg sacs, snares or...