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  • Ascott, Roy. Cultivando o hipercórtex In A Arte no Século XXI: A humanização das technologias, edited by Diana Domingues, 336-344. Sao Paulo: University of São Paulo, 1997.
  • Domingues, Diana. A Arte no Século XXI: a humanização das tecnologias. São Paulo, BR: Editora UNESP, 1997.
  • ...For the 10th anniversary, almost 1000 entries were submitted to the organising team for the various sections of the festival. In addition to Great Britain and the USA, numerous contributions were sent from New Zealand, Japan, Romania and Brazil. In 1997, the film...
  • Morphogenesis -
    ... organic projected onto a 4 by 3m back projection screen via a special interface box constructed for that purpose. the second system uses the world wide web as user interface. In both systems users evolve a three dimensional organic object created...
  • Legal Tender -
    ... experiments on the bills by registering with an email address. After receiving a password, the user was assigned a random sector on either bill A or B along with a magnified view of that sector: Users were then invited to choose an experiment to...
  • Seeing is believing -
    ... internet are displayed on it. You can't see but there exist lives of people you have never met before. There is another secret in this electric light display --- infrared ray is invisible to the naked eye, but you can read the letters when you get the...
  • Virtual Lascaux -
    ... The prehistoric art gallery was repainted by scanning in images of the paintings from books. Britton has added his own "secret dimension". Visitors can fly through walls to explore inaccessible areas of Lascaux and see the prehistoric creatures "come to...
  • ... Art Show called Touchware in Orlando, Florida, U.S July 19-24 1998. Concurrently it was featured in the gallery section of the magazine called Computer Graphics World (Volume 21 No.7). The following year it was featured in the ACM/SIGGRAPH...
  • Shirt -
    ... a space beyond and revealing a moving image: within the edges of the crack, the viewer sees the sea, the horizon, and a section of the sky. The image is slightly tilted; the horizontal line runs diagonally in the image section, as do the movements of...
  • ...Haraway, Donna J.. Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium: FemaleMan meets OncoMouse: Feminism and Technoscience. New York, London: Routledge, 1996.