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  • ... of sound and visuals, Seaman distills water to its most elemental form. Camera: Bill Seaman, Glorianna Davenport (swimmer section). Music: Bill Seaman. A Bill Seaman Production in association with The Contemporary Art Television (CAT) Fund. A project of...
  • ...Telling Motions Bill Seaman 1985-86, 20:10 min, color, sound This dreamlike, hypnotic work is structured in four sections, each of which repeats, in various permutations, key visual and verbal systems. Part One introduces the main theme — a poetic text, music, and a...
  • ... lighting a line of newtons or power books held beneath the dancers face or body proximity to illuminate particular sections / actions - isolate focal point of motion Thus all of these luminous fragments would motion in on/off states. Transparent...
  • ... detects all moving persons and communicates their data to artificial programmes insects. When a person moves, within seconds hundreds of flies invade his or her body, but when he or she stands still, the insects fly away. The resulting image...
  • ... thereby creating a recognizable likeness of the individual.. Posing in front of the monitor attracts the flies. Within seconds they invade the face, but even the slightest movement of the head or of parts of the face drives them off. The portraits are...
  • ... in contact with each other, and further included humans in this interaction as a means of raising awareness about nature’s secret web of intelligence; this advanced project tackles the new way of integrating trees into the cityscape and to protect it’s...
  • Face Value -
    ... watch us daily, as we swap goods for labor-power, as we sell commodities and buy resources, as we hawk dues and invest in securities, as we barter mining rights for dumps and pass printed paper for vouchers, tickets, coupons, slips and receipts, ever so...
  • fünfnullplus -
    ... a vertical bar of white LEDs is inserted; it generates words that seem to hover in the surrounding space for fractions of a second. The approximately 100 terms chosen for the work – "achievement", "unpaid", "family", "care", "security", "deficits", to name...
  • ... video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In between' (1999), 'Gegen die Zeit' is another installation for the secularized Johanneskirche in Feldkirch. The video projection depicts a female arm holding either a brush or a piece of cloth. It...
  • Shirt -
    ... a space beyond and revealing a moving image: within the edges of the crack, the viewer sees the sea, the horizon, and a section of the sky. The image is slightly tilted; the horizontal line runs diagonally in the image section, as do the movements of...