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  • ... of: pre-symposium, aimed to students and beginners, invited talks, tutorials, minicourses, technical sessions, panel sections, poster sections, demonstrations, a Virtual Worlds Festival, Workshop of theses and a workshop for undergraduate works....
  • ... altogether around 240 screenings per day on each screen. There are only two formal requirements to video works: LENGTH - 30 SECONDS, NO SOUND. The festival will end with two nights video screenings of the entire festival program on all 39 city screens. The...
  • ... and inventive young artists fascinated by unconventional images and visions. 1374 entries for the individual festival sections were received from 37 different countries. The largest numbers of submissions came from, alongside Germany, the USA, Canada,...
  • ... to surrender access to their personal spheres of privacy and movement. Under the guise of community safety and anti-terror security a demand for ultimate transparency is made. Suspense is created, in which a perpetual sense of fear of an invisible...
  • medi@terra 2006 -
    ... for artists. And while academic departments on game design and theory are being established all over the world, the sectors of sociology and psychology are more and more occupied with the new social and individual conditions arising in the...
  • ... governs us. Metadata shapes experience – through data, information, knowledge. It shapes our sense of privacy, identity, security, civic-ness, labour, sharing, peer to peer-ness, being together, and being itself even. It shapes who we are and what we are....
  • ...Who are we ? Seconde Nature 27bis rue du 11 novembre, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France Tel : +33 (0)4 42 64 61 00 / +33 (0)4 42 64 61 01 email : contact @
  • ... film and video art was considered critically in the context of the development of electronic media, and their impact on all sectors of society was examined from various viewpoints. This way, the festival offered not only a forum for the presentation of...
  • ...For the 10th anniversary, almost 1000 entries were submitted to the organising team for the various sections of the festival. In addition to Great Britain and the USA, numerous contributions were sent from New Zealand, Japan, Romania and Brazil. In 1997, the film...
  • ... were the focal points of the media artistic debate. Works by the eminent filmmaker Peter Greenaway were found in all sections of EMAF 2005. A showcase of Berlin artist Harun Farocki portrayed films and installations; the retrospective presented the...