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  • ... by an elite of IT specialists and their formula – as in the case of the legendary Google algorithm – is as well kept a secret as the Coca Cola recipe. "We've discovered the technology of the future", read an article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung not so long...
  • ... My estimate of their speed was something over 3000 Kmph and their altitude above 13000 m. We observed them about 30-45 seconds. After completing the trip and driving home, I turned on the radio to hear the latest news. The announcer said that according...
  • ...Giving the first impression of a simple commodity sculpture "AutoGene" lures the viewer into a false sense of security which is then at the flick of a switch rapidly dispelled. The seemingly mundane umbrellas are transformed into magical animated objects. The circular...
  • Time Value -
    ... clock also displays real-time data to calculate the value of time: the duration of life, number of hours worked in the year, security index... The installation Time-Value takes the concept of n-value as it's starting point. "N-value" is a system set up by...
  • Tweet Time -
    ... of strangers who find the time on the Web to show the planet that they don't have enough (time). All these wasted seconds used creating tweets are therefore offered up to those looking at the piece. When they first confront it, the artwork will...
  • Divers Faits -
    ... of visual allegories developed by the painters of the Renaissance of the North, where every still life hides, the " second line " of subject told through any sorts of foodstuffs. Each piece the series Divers Faites is also a story, which is read...
  • Hyper Real -
    ... objects are displayed is reminiscent of a Flemish still life. Nonetheless, the visibility of the display contrasts with the secret gesture of the thief to which these objects stolen from the shelves serve as testimony. Via these objects, the artist analyzes...
  • ... videoproyección como una unidad sobre siete bastidores de tela que ejercen de pantalla. La reproducción de cada una de estas secuencias depende de la descarga de sus fotogramas, y por lo tanto de la velocidad de transferencia del hosting donde está alojado,...
  • ... (2010 – 2011), 15 Minutes of Biometric Fame also incorporates face-recognition software employed in surveillance and security applications. In contrast, the design draws inspiration from camera dollies utilised in television and cinematography. A...
  • ... title "Match & Smile" for the Touch Me Festival 2008 (Feel Better) in Zagreb. The design is based on principles employed in security gates seen at airports, shopping malls, football stadiums and other protected public spaces. A barrier guides visitors...