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  • ... addressed andincorporated in my works – even if I only challenge my audience to decide in which directionto look or add a second layer to the perceived visuals through augmented reality.In what sense do you think technology can help us making (better)...
  • ...n wisdom and Atheist culture, which is the Great Imageprophesied in the “The Book of Daniel” that was against God.●“And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, freeand slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead”...
  • ... Albert Müller, Søren Brier, Bernard Scott, Ted Krueger, andOthers (forthcoming Echoraum Editions, Vienna), and The second big book is Chaos, Information, and Future Physics- The Seaman-Rossler Dialogue, Including Recorded Interviews with Otto E....