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  • Peter Weibel is considered to be one of the poineers of interactive, computerbased installations. In this work from the early nineties, the participants are being filmed upon entering a room. They see "their" film on a large screen while there is a
  • it feels like home -
    ...“It feels like home” is an online intervention that... her notions of time, home and personal...
  • The Spectrascope -
    ... of 19hz, which is just below the range of...
  • ... is focused on time, screen and...
  • Visual Orchestra (2001, real-time interactive digital installation) Visual Orchestra is a real-time interactive digital installation piece that provides a platform for investigating the synthesis of musical rhythms with visual rhythms. The
    Chronopolis consists of a 10 x 10 meter square floor-projected interface that visitors walk over. The computer generated interface displays days, hours, minutes and seconds grids over which four animated pictograms representing these time elements
  • ... artwork process Like most work undertaken... Spilly and the Drops, etc. and media... looking at light, time, space. So in...
  • Landscape -
    ... all the raindrops are frozen in the...
  • Sculptures -
    For us humans, who are limited in time and space, time is a one-dimensional affair. We can move only along one axis we define in co-ordinates of "past-present-future". (In this definition, "present" is the origin of our co-ordinate system, "past"
  • ... Clones can be adjusted according to the... Time Code each time, I created the series...