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  • ... the virtual backdrops in the GMD computer...
  • Suspended Spring -
    The Nantesbuch Foundation focuses on artworks dealing with nature. In April, they asked 100 of their artists to create a video piece on nature in the spring. See their website for the online exhibit "Arts of Spring." To express my feeling of having
  • Selçuk ARTUT’s artistic research and production focus on the theoretical and practical dimensions of human-technology relations. Artut’s artworks have been exhibited at Sonar Istanbul, ISEA, AKM Istanbul, Siggraph, Dystopie Sound Art Festival
  • This interview was made for the exhibit „Not There“ at the Sabanci University Kasa Gallery, as part of ISEA2006 show UNCONTAINED - an official parallel exhibit to the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. "Not There" is an exhibition of artworks from the
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. As Instalações Multimídia Como Espaços de Dados Em Sinestesia Relações Corpo/ Arquitetura/ Memória e Tecnologias. Coletânea Ccha Cultura e Saber, Caxias do Sul: EDUCS 1, no. 2 (1997): 33-51.
  • Sottovoce -
    The title 'sottovoce' is a musical term derived from the Italian "in a barely audible voice, a whisper" and alludes to the whispered and haunting nature of the Sottovoce's voice-over. This menacing evocation of events leading up to a
  • ... by characters like Katniss from The...
  • Lipkin, Jonathan and Charles H. Traub. In the Realm of the Circuit: Computers, Art and Culture. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Person Prentice Hall, 2003.
  • Lanfranco Aceti works as an academic, artist and curator and is the founder of The Studium: Lanfranco Aceti Inc. He is the founder and Director of OCR (Operational and Curatorial Research in Contemporary Art, Design, Science and Technology) and
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Medienkunst als Wissenskunst / Medial Arts as Knowledge Arts. In Wissenkünste! Das Wissen der Kunst und die Kunst zu wissen / The Knowledge of the Arts and the Art of Knowledge, edited by Sabine Flach and