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  • Fascinum -
    Artworks Fascinum December, 2001 Fascinum is a Yahoo Hack. It shows in real-time the news pictures the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals. The viewer surfs at the top of the infotainment wave and experiments
  • Step and Shoot -
    Bored by a vision of the world dominated by B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) that seem for so many people to be the only way to consider human interactions, I would like to start a series of works called H2H: Human to
  • Seeking the common denominator of all contemporary artworks, in spite of their spectacular diversity, the artist found that it should be the very perfume of the art gallery, freshly repainted, before the exhibition opening. White Cube is first an
  • FIAC 2011 -
    Event: FIAC 2011Institution: FIACComment:
    Event: VIDEO CUBEInstitution: FIACComment:
  • Event: Political Shift, World Skin Shots, Studies for Still Moving, Positive Discrimination, Missing the PointInstitution: FIAC, Show Off, Espace Pierre CardinComment:
  • Event: Emotion ForecastInstitution: Show Off, La FIACComment:
  • Event: Mechanics of EmotionsInstitution: Show Off, La FIACComment:
  • Christophe Bruno lives and works in Paris. He began his artistic activity in September 2001. His polymorphic work (installations, performances, conceptual pieces…) has a critical take on network phenomena and globalisation in the field of language
  • 2012 SHOW OFF LAB’ Edition 2012 (during the FIAC in Paris, October, 17th-21st 2012) Artists: Joseph Nechvatal, Pascal Dombis, Grégory Chatonsky, Miguel Chevalier, France Cadet, RYBN, Lydia Venieri, Julien Levesque, David Guez, Marika Dermineur &