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  • Twenty years ago, Mary Louise Pratt proposed the notion of a “contact zone” as a place where culture is negotiated and challenged. Art can bridge or destabilize disciplines and methods in ways that reframe histories and bring new insights. Still, on
  • ZOMBIAC consists of a large number of computer terminals and workstations, ranging in vintage from the 1970s to the present. Each computer has been "zombified": all the original electronics have been removed, transforming them into mindless
  • zgodlocator -
    Zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In Zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer parts that are magnetically sensitive.
  • An inflatable tube made from transparent plastic, 250 metres long and 3 metres in diameter, was placed over the Mach lake connecting its opposite banks. This air-filled floating bridge had airlock revolving doors at each end, and its pliable floor
  • Farulli, Luca. Voices Gestures Contact In Performing Data: Monika Fleischmann + Wolfgang Strauss, edited by Miękus Vol.
  • Videoschwelle -
    Video installation in public space In the context of the project Freizone Dorotheergasse (Wiener Festwochen and Galerie Metropol), Vienna (AT) In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The work 'Videoschwelle' was conceptualized as part of an exhibition in
  • Underscan - video
    Under Scan is an interactive video art installation for public space. In the work, passers-by are detected by a computerized tracking system, which activates video-portraits projected within their shadow. Over one thousand video-portraits of
  • Uncle Roy All Around You is a game played online in a virtual city and on the streets of an actual city. Online Players and Street Players collaborate to find Uncle Roy's office before being invited to make a year long commitment to a total
  • Triangles -
    This project explores the creation and use of a physical/digital construction kit. Triangles is a physical computer interface in the form of a construction kit of identical, flat, plastic triangles. The triangles connect together both physically and
  • To Touch
    It seems that a simple wooden table is the only object in a smoothly lighted room. To touch - to finger, to contact, to handle. The common museum traditions, meaning that the viewer is a viewer from distance, are turned around. The art pieces starts