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  • ... Although the Eve Clone exemplifies the basic biological features of a female body, she is a cyborg, and is thus composed of...
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    ... 7th, 2000 election. Over 2500 global and national News features in online media, print, television and radio have been...
  • [the clearing] -
    ... the Oakland Data Center. In its dormant stage, the program features an image going in and out of focus with breathing sounds. The...
  • ... whilst at the same time attempting to interpret the features of traditional culture from an individual perspective and by...
  • ... in sumie (ink painting), haiku and kimono which display features of Eastern philosophy, and Zen in particular. Museum visitors...
  • ... CD-ROM, Organic Art - The Art of William Latham (1996), also features Mark's music, and received rave reviews. William Latham's...
  • ...This installation features the debut of an important new addition to the SCMA collection, “What Will Come” (2006), a major film by the South...
  • ...Naimark, Michael. VR Webcams: Time Artifacts as Positive Features In ISEA 2002 Proceedings, Nagoya, Japan: 2002.
  • Virtual Orchestra -
    ... (a string crescendo, for example). The players show features of human behavior: they pay attention when the conductor...
    ... in stereo 3D, completely on location, using the architectural features of Singapore as the stage. The spectator is invited to become...