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  • ... World Graphic Design Now 6 - Computer Graphics. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha, 1989.
  • ...The Carousel, 2022 (Materials) | 8 Kodak Carousel S, Paper, Aluminium, Custom Made Electronics. Dimensions: 0.6m x 1.0m x 2.8m The sculpture...
  • ...The Japanese female artist Sachiko Kodama was born in 1970. As a child she spent a lot of time in the southernmost part of Japan. This area is...
  • ...Pulsate (Ear on the Wall)(2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Minako Takeno In a white room a table, chair and an ear hang on the walls. The...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    Protrude, Flow 2008 (2008) Shown at Reina Sofia National Museum in madrid. Enabling people to experience a strong aesthetic feeling is the main purpose of “Protrude Flow 2008.” This experience cannot be acquired in everyday life, and once
  • My first project “Protrude, Flow used six electromagnets. But, the electromagnets occasionally prevented people from viewing the moving liquid. To solve this problem and to simplify the work, I discovered a new technique called “Ferrofluid
  • Morpho Tower -
    ...Morpho Tower / Two Standing Spirals (2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Yasushi Miyajima (Sony CSL) “Morpho Towers--Two Standing Spirals” is...
  • ... Pierre Huyghe, Theo Jansen, Natalie Jeremijenko, Sachiko Kodama, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Chico MacMurtrie, John Maeda, Antoni...
  • ... Inviting institutions include MIT, Princeton, ATR at Kyoto, Kodak, Motorola, Eli Lilly. She has been a Distinguished Lecturer at...
  • Breathing Chaos -
    ...Year:2004 (short film, 8min 11sec) Sachiko Kodama Sound by Ippei Ogura Breathing Chaos is a short film that uses the dynamic forces of...