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  • Revelation of Eve Clone : Lin Pey-Chwen Digital Art Lab Exhibition Artist |Pey-Chwen Lin Curator |Ming Turner Place|Gallery K – Gallery L, Tainan Art Museum Building 2 Organizer| Tainan Art Museum Special Thanks to B.B.ART, Yiiisu Co., Ltd., Cmie
  • Couchot, Edmont. Zwischen Reellem und Virtuellem: Die Kunst der Hybridation In Cyberspace. Zum medialen Gesamtkunstwerk, edited by Florian UND Weibel Rötzer, 340-449. München: Boer Verlag, 1993.
  • ZKM Aussenkenung are a group of five outdoor LED displays that together constitute the signage for the ZKM Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe. The contents of these displays are all freely programmable. 1 and 2. A tall column stands on the main
  • Year Zero -
    Year Zero - 2121 Exhibition Concept Open Call 2121 for works to a future audience in hundred years. Expo 2121 _ Text, Video, Networked Performance © Lila Moore, All Rights Reserved Artist Statement by Lila Moore ART AS AN ACT OF
  • The leading theme of the WRO 01 Biennale, SCREENS expresses the character of the media art's present state. On one hand it seems appealed by fast development of cognitive horisons and expression of new communication spaces, and on the other
  • WRINGER/WASHER TV is a pink, white and chrome wringer washer which has a colour monitor fitted in the bottom of the wash tub facing up. This installation deals with the issue of abortion in Canada, interspersing opinions and arguments with video
  • World of female avatars is a project for expanded understanding of women and their relation to their body. By using the internet as an artistic survey media as many different entries from different cultures as possible will be collected. The public
  • Woolford: Cyber Sex. -
    This was the first piece examining the possibilities of haptical sensations transmitted through ISDN-connections. An archaic piece of extreme media and meanwhile a classic. (
  • “Ins Universum der technischen Bilder” or “Lob der Oberflächlichkeit“ – with such programmatic titles Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) advanced to become one of the most influential thinkers to deal with communication and media in the 20th century. Flusser
  • William Kentridge -
    Though William Kentridge is one of the most compelling interdisciplinary artists of our time, five years ago he was largely unknown outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, where he was born in 1955 and continues to live today. There were many reasons