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  • Zero City -
    ... the same way and act as a pack carrying out the general task...
  • ... installations, videos and DIY packages. This group, which could be...
  • Venetian 3 -
    ... the industrially produced and packaged records (90gr extra thick...
  • The "US Department of Art & Technology" is an artist-led, virtual government agency. The US DAT functions as a conduit between the arts and the broader political and economic culture for facilitating the artist' need to extend aesthetic inquiry
  • Timeline
    ... is based on the device used in packages like Adobe Premiere and...
  • The Telegarden -
    ... the net.'' -- Randall Packer, San Jose Museum of Art, April...
  • ... whether Edward Snowden is a villain or hero , the drone program is...
  • "The Experimental Party" was conceived as an artistic critique of the political process. Based on the model of the political party, an active vehicle for citizens action, the Experimental Party is a shift to experimental thinking, a mediated
  • ... From 1983-1985 I directed the packaging and industrial design of the...