Archive Search
Grau, Oliver and Wendy Coones. ”The Living Archive” of Digital Arts – Web 2.0 & 3.0 and the Bridging Thesaurus Konferenzband EVA Berlin 2018 (2018): 230 - 237.
Wolf, Ophra. “Which way home?: Every Bus Stop in Surrey, BC (Net art review) (October 25, 2004 2004).
Grau, Oliver. “Vorsicht! Es scheint, daß er direkt auf die Dunkelheit zustürzt, in der Sie sitzen.” Immersions- und Emotionsforschung, Kernelemente der Bildwissenschaft In Wie sich Gefühle Ausdruck verschaffen, edited by Klaus Herding and Antje
In a world where human transactions mostly apply to human values, where metaphors reside in the syntactic articulation of these values, we may find very peculiar layers of truth that make sense in an unexpected way. Transactional Poetry is
Alstad, Michael. “Subversive Cartography: challenging the accuracy of the official map” Catalogue essay for Virtual Net Art Museum Collection Canada (VMC) Gallery TPW (May 2007):
Alvaro, Sandra and Guillermo Alonso R. and Federico López-Silvestre. “Reversing Ruins: Artistic Interventions for Recovering from Disaster Capitalism” In Planet Earth: Scientific Proposals to Solve Urgent Issues, edited by A. Núñez-Delgado, 83 -
Raphael Fonseca. “Os trópicos parecem conspirar contra a memória” ArtNexus , no. 94 (September/November 2014).
Raphael Fonseca. “Os trópicos parecem conspirar contra a memória” ArtNexus , no. 94 (September/November 2014).
Raphael Fonseca. “Os trópicos parecem conspirar contra a memória” ArtNexus , no. 94 (September/November 2014).
Raphael Fonseca. “Os trópicos parecem conspirar contra a memória” ArtNexus , no. 94 (September/November 2014).