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  • ...Event: Workshop Immersion, Ars NumericaInstitution: MontbéliardComment:
  • ...Event: Workshop Digitale Kunst [Workshop for Digital Art]- Summer School VeniceInstitution: Universität für Angewandte Kunst WienComment:
  • ... Contemporary Art Television (CAT) Fund. A project of The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, and The WGBH/New Television Workshop. (Description courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix) In the Water Catalogue I was exploring water in different states to reflect...
  • ... wurden zwei Tänzerinnen, Maya Brosch und Martina Leeker, eingeladen sowie eine Expertengruppe die im anschliessenden Workshop dies für das Theater neue Darstellungsform kontrovers diskutierten.
  • ...Fisher, Scott S. and M. McGreevy and J. Humphries and Robinett, W.. Virtual Environment Display System In ACM Workshop on 3D Interactive Graphics, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 23-24, Chapel Hill: 1986.
  • ... tutorials, minicourses, technical sessions, panel sections, poster sections, demonstrations, a Virtual Worlds Festival, Workshop of theses and a workshop for undergraduate works. (source:
  • ... Multimedia stands for in the realm of CD-ROM and Internet artworks. There were performances, discussions, an exhibition and workshops.
  • ... were projected as 35mm slides. In Long Beach, California in 1983, Acevedo created his first computer images in a workshop taught by Frank Dietrich a pioneering computer graphics practitioner and theorist. The next year he studied briefly with artist...
  • Tutor -
    ... Douce France, Contemporary Art Centre Abbaye de Maubuisson, Saint-Ouen l’Aumone, France, 2007-2008 (solo show) TUTOR workshop, LEIA Foundation – Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain Disonancias,Tbacalera Public Art Centre, San Sebastian, Spain ...
  • ... three stages in three different countries. The dancer, choreographer Molissa Fenley was dancing in New York, at Dance Theater Workshop. The both dancer, choreographer Akeno was dancing at the VTV studio in Tokyo. The Otná Eahket played at the Kiasma theatre....