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... collectors’ beliefs and ethical priorities. transactions mostly apply to human values, where...
...Alstad, Michael. “Subversive Cartography: challenging the...
...Kronman, Linda and Andreas Zingerle. “Opening museums – New...
...Kronman, Linda and Andreas Zingerle. “Let’s talk business”...
... Discussion | Dr. Andrew Pai, Dr. Jane Tseng,...
“ 2020 “Revelation of Eve Clone”: Lin Pey-Chwen +Digital Art Lab, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan -... artist’s imagination and interpretation of the... she then added different minerals, colors and... (2015), Eve Clone appears at the Empire State...
...Kronman, Linda and Andreas Zingerle. ‘EVIL WEB BUSINESSES,...
... work, video and digital prints. Other... Merleau-Ponty, McCarthy & Wright, and Burnett,... channel; yet differentiated in their embodiment... an image that appears to also have...