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  • Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, renowned German art collective and professors, have made significant contributions to the realm of digital media art and interactive installations. Pioneers in the field, they have not only created immersive
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • Diana Domingues, a pioneering artist-engineer, scholar, and researcher from Brazil, has impacted and shaped the landscape of electronic art in Latin America. By bridging the realms of intangible culture and rituals within Latin American native
  • Eduardo Kac, pioneer of multiple art genres like Telematic Art, Transgenic Art and Bio Art, guides us through 40 years of radical changes in the body-technology relationship, offering different approaches on how to reflect the boundaries of human
  • ... this way of thinking that is predicated on oppositions for a verylong time. And, at least the Western world has operated, not onlyintellectually, but also materially, predicated on oppositions with graveconsequences. We have defined the human...
  • ... sensation, notably touch and vision," states media theorist Mark B. N. Hansen.23 From anobservational to an operational perspective, Murmuring Fields explores the transition from external tointernal imagery. Hansen comments on the artist's...
  • ... is not art, but is used toconstitute an artistic project, the software development of code and calculation andlanguage operations take place with a view of interactions through aesthetic and socialrelations, based on perceptive theories and content...
  • ... work-flows as part of my studio practice. I also sought out opportunities tocollaborate with electronic musicians that were operating outside the realm of purely Dance Music; suchas the band called Hookah and the circuit bender, Igor Amokian (Chris...
  • ... / digital art. Another new major project explores the creationof an elaborate installation out of the experimental Opera called the Oper& which John Supko and I initiated,commissioned by the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation.1 John and I are also...
  • ... my lab memberstogether such as animation artists, computer programmers, video artists, etc. Although I havenot personally operated computer software, I am like a movie director to direct my teammembers to make artwork completed and successful. My...