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  • UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY BILL SEAMAN: SUSPENDED SENTENCE May 24 – September 13, 2018 MAY 24 – SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 OPENING RECEPTION: THURSDAY, MAY 24, 6-8 PM, ARTIST TALK 6:30 PM Site-specific distributed poem with video and audio component inspired
  • .. In the context of the 1960’s paradigm of installation he started with expanded cinema, performance and participatory environments..
  • Burnish -
    Burnish is an interactive performance installation that premiered at the 56th Venice Biennale 2015 with 9dragonheads in the official collatoral event Jump Into the Unknown; and at Toronto's Theatre Center in May 2015. It was remounted for
  • I LV Yr GIF - video
    I Love Yr GIF is a project based on the culture of the first wave of net art, produced entirely with animated gifs taken from personal collections such as of Jimpunk, Marisa Olson and Superbad. Inspired by the iPad zooming features, here the low
  • In 2013 the internationally acclaimed Chinese calligraphy master Wang Dongling created a 2.5meter wide and 30-meter long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of Hong Kong The painting hangs down the nine floors of the imposing
  • "This project proposes an alternative financial model based on the Peer-to-Peer architecture for a more equal sharing of wealth in society. It offers an innovative participatory system using counterfeit virtual money. By issuing a visionary and
  • The Hybrid Invention Generator (2001) is a work that explores a "machinic genetics." Users of the system can scroll through a series of inventions, choose two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying
  • "Eau de Jardin" is an interactive installation which transports visitors into the imaginary world of virtual water gardens. The image of "Eau de Jardin" consists of a triptych, a three-sided projection screen onto a 12 x 3 meters vaulted screen
  • Feedback -
    Janet Cardiff's “Feedback” (2004) is an interactive sound piece that plays a Jimi Hendrix rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” when the visitor steps on a wah-wah pedal. “Feedback” is a gift in honor of Rifkin by Tom and Kitty Stoner and
  • Inspired by Pier-Paolo Passolini's 1969 film Theorema and by a dream Courchesne's daughter had when she was 10 years old. In the installation, visitors are planted somewhere in the Japanese countryside. From there they will try to make a