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  • Artists: Matthew Biederman (QC-CA/US) / Choe U-Ram (KR) / Justine Emard (FR) / Yunchul Kim (KR) / Christa Sommerer (AT) & Laurent Mignonneau (FR) / teamVOID & Youngkak Cho (KR) Curators: Alain Thibault and Dooeun Choi
  • ClearBoard -
    ClearBoard is designed to integrate interpersonal space and shared workspace seamlessly. A design goal of ClearBoard is to allow a pair of users to shift easily between interpersonal space and shared workspace using familiar everyday cues such as
  • Event: From VR to Transactional ArtInstitution: ISEA2019 x Hyundai MotorstudioComment:
  • Event: QuasiNature: Bio art, borderline, and labInstitution: Hyundai Motorstudio Comment:
  • Event: QuasiNature: Bio art, borderline, and labInstitution: Hyundai Motorstudio Comment:
  • Event: QuasiNature: Bio art, borderline, and labInstitution: Hyundai Motorstudio Comment:
  • Event: QuasiNature: Bio art, borderline, and labInstitution: Hyundai Motorstudio Comment:
  • Machine Winks is a dance performance between a dancer and an interactive mechanical partner. After some sketches were made during the ‘Synergy’ workshop organised by The Krisztina de Châtel Dance Company, Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse
  • Robert Hodgin (b. 1972, USA) established as an online archive for his projects in Flash, Processing and C++. He was a founding partner of the Barbarian Group. He has received numerous awards for his work and lectures internationally.