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  • ... composition; It’s a fluidextemporaneous sequential synthesis of variable combinations of... these years and art media:1977- 87: Analog Art: traditional media, painting, drawing,... paralleled by an explosion of largescale visual spectacle at music festivals. It was...
  • ... of others. I develop a strong logic for the interaction and map out the... wanted a fully immersive space where the scale of the projected images enabled a special...
  • ... of the ways in which art and thebiological sciences continued to form future... tocomputer driven sculpture to large scale digital photography to plants grown by LED...
  • ... artificial serpents onlinebased on DNA sequences from twelve species of snakes, which... few years, she’s been talking about the logical consequence of naturalizingtechnologies. To... other objects set the stagefor large-scale projected fetal ultrasound images and CT...
  • ... of theimage, reads the values of the sequence of pixels, then processes the sequence by... GEORGE LEGRADYFrom analog to digitalThe Archive of Digital Art, 05/2023Text & Interview by Alejandro...
  • ... it, which would result in dire consequences. Through my latest soloexhibition titled... the potential and new trend of technology media for creativearts although my works were... created a cloned Eve. I created a large-scale image projection to show a butterfly– woman...
  • ... predicated on oppositions with graveconsequences. We have defined the human in opposition... Art we have transformed life from mythology to amedium. We have transformed this vision... remote worlds from perspectives and scales different than human,as perceived through...
  • ... There are, forexample, 3D renderings of sequences of migrants walking, and there are also... shape, because it was for us the most logical accessfor this work.Marie-Claude:... experience because of its gigantic scale. The buildingbecomes a rich field with...
  • GENMA - video
    ... as artificial nature of a micro scale: abstract amoeboid artificial...
  • ... code in nature, letters, syntax and sequencing of the text is used to code certain...