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  • ... sketches for many of his famous zoomorphictessellation patterns. It...
  • FLEISCHMANN /STRAUSSThe Archive of Digital Art, 12/2023Text by Alejandro Quiñones RoaInterview by Carla Zamora and Alejandro Quiñones RoaMonika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, art collective and professors from Germany, are esteemedfigures
  • ADA Artist Interview 10/2020BILL SEAMAN – transdisciplinary explorations of meaning production and the process ofcreativityWhat are your current projects?I tend to work on many different things simultaneously, shifting from one to the other.
  • ... referring to William Gibson´sNeuromancer term: cyberspace (GIBSON,...
  • GEORGE LEGRADYFrom analog to digitalThe Archive of Digital Art, 05/2023Text & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones Roa“George Legrady’s work spans almost four decades and incorporates a range fromanalog photography to digital interactive
  • ADA Artist Interview with Lin Pey ChwenArchive of Digital ArtText & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones are your current projects?I will continue working
  • SOMMERER &MIGNONNEAUThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2023Text & Interview by Carla Zamora“A dark room. It contains plants, and there’s a large-format projection in thebackground. A group of astonished individuals are touching the plants –
  • Eduardo Kacsounding out the non-binaryThe Archive of Digital Art, 06/2022Text by Carla Zamora and Samantha Mealing, Interview on Time Capsule by Samantha Mealing,Rachel de Joode and Herbert Gmoser.“In the course of pursuing Bio Art we have
  • KONDITION PLURIELThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2024Text & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones Roa“Integrating body-based performance and digital arts, the artists generate alanguage outside of established disciplines, focusing as much on the
  • Liquid Selves -
    This piece depicts the upcoming struggle between the virtual and physical sides of our selves. As technology brings us the age of virtual worlds, our existence as individuals becomes less and less dependent on our physical being. Our virtual