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  • ... and GarlandStern. It was produced at the Computer Graphics Laboratory, New York Institute of Technology. Theconcept of ‘digital’... called Acevedo in Context which covers these years and art media:1977- 87: Analog Art: traditional media, painting, drawing,...
  • ... and collectively founded a remarkable number of research labsin Germany such as the Media Art and ReSearch (MARS) -... from Germany, are esteemedfigures in the field of digital media art and interactive installations. Not only have they pioneered...
  • ... Oper&, head the Emergence Lab with John Supko and I am currently the Graduate Program Director... The Artintact series from ZKM – The Center for Art and Media inKarlesruhe, Germany, articulated a very nice way to make a...
  • ... Bio Art continues to expand worldwide through community laboratories andDIY participants.In an interview you once said: What... ago is now biohacking. In what sense is your art connected to Media Art?While computer hacking was pursued in the 1990’s, as a way...
  • ... sheestablished her role in the field of Art & Science in laboratories such as NTAV (until 2009) andthen moved to Brasilia,... the internet, video projections, sensors and mixed/reality media and caves.2In the late 1970s and particularly in the 1990s she...
  • ... art works. Due tothe fact, that such combination was not available in the programmes at my university I decided tocome to Europe to... artist in residence (and funding) at ZKM(Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe, during which I created in 2004 the...
  • ... PhD Program where he directs the ExperimentalVisualization Labat the University of California, Santa Barbara. He leads a... among others. Legrady is distinguished professorin the Media Arts and Technology PhD Program where he directs the...
  • ... A new 3D modelwill be rebuilt in Unity software. My lab artists and I are working with a company to developa facial and... courses and realized the potential and new trend of technology media for creativearts although my works were still in painting and...
  • ... encountered each otherwhile experimenting in the computer lab. Soon after, they teamed up and right away cocreated their... and dynamic works of art. The twointernationally renowned media artists and researchers based in Linz/Austria have beenactive...
  • ... century through thecollective explorations and often collaborative efforts of spacefaring nations.“ 9 In 2017,Eduardo teamed... he has always been looking for an “intersubjectiveartform for the media age”. Not only he wanted to “reflect, but especially to...