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  • ... and as an example of how media art opens up... space that visualizes the news of the SüddeutscheZeitung,... ArtMedia VIII Paris 2002 conference, compared...
  • ... a work with Daniel Howe still untitled to be... had anentire conference on this and one of my...
  • ... and image technologies- how were you perceived by the... exhibitions andconferences. One of them was the...
  • ... thecomplexity of how we decipher images.”... at avisual semiotics conference co-organized by Maria...
  • ... the needs of my works. How did the development of the... and the section on news can be automatically placed... held theSiggraph Taipei conference and invited many... theyloved these illuminators. When I saw the bizarre...
  • ... of photographs and news pictures from different...
  • Equivalents II -
    ... TV Talk shows vocabulary, and those that... York Times and Die Zeit newspapers. (George Legrady)
  • [the clearing] -
    ... of bits and pieces of news data, viewers assemble a...
  • ... money, sound recordings, news reports, identity cards,...
  • Transitional Spaces -
    ... crossed, the screen shows a close-up of a... come from personals, news phrases and financial stock...