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  • ADA Artist Interview 10/2020BILL SEAMAN – transdisciplinary explorations of meaning production and the process ofcreativityWhat are your current projects?I tend to work on many different things simultaneously, shifting from one to the other.
  • Diana DominguesThe Archive of Digital Art, 07/2023Text, Editing & Interview by Carla ZamoraShe has an immense and multifaceted body of work, revealing an enormous talentopening to multiple dimensions. (…) And in my opinion, the contents in
  • Eduardo Kacsounding out the non-binaryThe Archive of Digital Art, 06/2022Text by Carla Zamora and Samantha Mealing, Interview on Time Capsule by Samantha Mealing,Rachel de Joode and Herbert Gmoser.“In the course of pursuing Bio Art we have
  • ADA Artist Interview with Elke ReinhuberArchive of Digital Art, March 2022Text & Interview by Carla Zamora have you been working on recently?As I
  • Conversation -
    Prompting a continuum between nature and culture, between species, and among the senses, Kac’s work questions the structures, mediations, and ultimately the supremacy of vision in art, while promoting synesthetic experiences that rearticulate
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ConFIGURING the CAVE is a computer based interactive video installation that assumes a set of technical and pictorial procedures to identify various paradigmatic conjunctions of body and space. The work utilises the CAVE technology stereographic
  • In this interactive installation the visual and auditory components of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to
  • This work addresses the notion of a library of the written language, and gives special aesthetic emphasis to the digital (binary) transformation of language to embody the context of the LBC as a computing center for a larger network of provincial
  • Paula Strunden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at Raumlabor Berlin and Herzog & de Meuron Basel. Currently she pursues her design-led PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work
  • A large steel ball hangs from four cables and motorized pulleys within the atrium of this building. Connected to the center's computer network, anyone working there can interactively program its movement paths.