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  • ... way, generating new outcomes and designing never-before-seen interactions by means ofscientific research. The collective builds...
  • ... ofinterauthorship that are brought about through their interactions with many of the media elements and processes Ihave...
  • ... calculation andlanguage operations take place with a view of interactions through aesthetic and socialrelations, based on...
  • ... and “livingspaces” where I tried to implement a set of interactions that produced image outcomesthat are outside of the stylistic...
  • ... (2010), which confronts the users with unexpected interactions with an old radiothat emits embarrassing sounds that we...
  • Telematic Vision -
    ... it is nothing without the presence of a viewer and the interactions of a user who create their own television program by...
  • ... pour en permettre la gestion en temps réel et a paramétré les interactions pour les interfaces, construite par la société V.P.L., casque...
  • Tracing -
    ... words and videos were determined by the audience's interactions in the front screen area, the data being shared through...
  • ... beforehand but emerges through the large number of local interactions on the map. This is why the system can be called...
  • ... are "The Living Room's" interpretation of the users' interactions and conversations. Since the users' position,...