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  • ... of thought processes; the accessing oftexts, images, music, videos, and various digital environments; and the use of high level...
  • 24hour Social -
    ... hours as social media performance in all its richness. Vine videos are engaging, creative, funny and often anarchic. In a very...
  • ... current state of the art approaches.You have been living and teaching in Singapore since 2014. How has the life andenvironment... the IOSBFraunhofer Institute Karlsruhe to capture thermographic videos for the ballet production‘Orpheus’. Thanks to COVID-19, this...
  • ... is notlimited to, single still images; time-based forms like videos and computer animations; VR and ARexperiences (conveyed via...
  • ... toencountering medical topics in this way: medical books, videos, and other objects set the stagefor large-scale projected...
  • ... is a platform for interactive media art and teaching with new media,developed by Prof. Monika Fleischmann and... offers more than 2,500 work descriptions, texts, images and videos forinterdisciplinary education in art, design, music and...
  • ... leave this era behind early this year. After almost 20years teaching Media Art and Digital Art, could you briefly describe some...
  • ... called RAW ( Since 2015, he has been teaching creative coding, interactive arts, and sound design classes...
  • ... Professor of Art, leading interdisciplinary grant projects and teaching courses in moving image, eco art, and art/science.
  • ...Is an artist and academic. He is currently part of the teaching team in Fine Arts at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton,...