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  • "Touch me"
    ... digital video installation where a monitor with touch screen, a video camera and a computer are mounted on a platform. The...
  • ...Group exhibition of video stills edition + video screening. Part of 'Dusseldorf Photo Weekend'. imai - inter media art institute, NRW Forum,...
  • ...Two video projections are confronted on the same screen. The first shows the bodies of African dancers in exultant movements, gradually moving...
  • ... were still made and located out side of the internet, also share some kind of network structure. They own this to the extended...
  • //**Code_UP -
    ... pictures with cell phones with camera and send them to large screens via bluetooth where they are transformed into mobile matrixes...
  • ... remote, as if projected onto the reverse side of the computer screen. Accumulating alternative facts are accompanied by outbursts of...
  • 05 March/10:43 pm -
    ... showing a person who is collapsed on a chair, with a computer screen and web camera running next to him. The webcam image...
  • ... online for audiences around the world and simultaneously screened at the New Zealand Film Archive, Wellington, NZ.
  • 1,4..19 -
    ... of its unrealized options in the form of virtual mice on the screen projection. The virtual mice behave independently and...
  • ... and inserting the name of a city via the keyboard on the screen, then clicking on "go!". Through this work you will be able to...