Archive Search

  • ... that were exchanged, news that was posted, documents published, log and error files,...
  • Ambient Fixtures -
    ... sound and light will be very important in keeping the fixtures subtle and non-intrusive. ...
  • Animal Locomotion -
    ... image manipulation. The server keeps track of the configuration, so that when the...
  • ANTopolis - video
    ... nearby urban forests became essential for keeping sane in times of lock down and quarantine....
  • Autobiography -
    ... it develops as its parts are ready to be posted, and is under continuous review and...
  • Babel -
    ... Decimal numbers, a dynamic interface keeping them informed of web-site (source:...
  • ... projects. Early in 1992, using FTP and email, she organized the ChainArt Project which...
  • ... the local culture and the motivations for keeping people appart. The two ends of the tunnel...
  • ... various activities, such as answering emails, reading, drawing, programming, online...
  • ... such as a search engine, a Web browser, email, GUI, databases, data visualization, and so...