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  • Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau are internationally renowned media artists working in the field of interactive computer installation. They are Professors at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria where they head the Department for
  • 1000 Platitudes -
    1000 PLATITUDES consists of large photomontages and one video documentary, which is shown on a plasma screen. Words commonly used to describe the generic globalized city; --each letter of the alphabet was projected on a different building using the
  • Türk, Annemarie. 20 Years: KulturKontakt Austria – Artists in Residence: Launching Careers, Building Cooperation Vienna: KulturKontakt Austria (2012).
  • 21 POSITIONS -
    Event: 21 POSITIONSInstitution: Austrian Culture ForumComment:
  • Event: 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein SymposiumInstitution: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein SocietyComment:
  • 2016 Gallery GPL Contemporary Vienna (16 November 2016 - 13 January 2017) 55 Years - Looking Forward - Vienna, Austria
  • Eduardo Kacsounding out the non-binaryThe Archive of Digital Art, 06/2022Text by Carla Zamora and Samantha Mealing, Interview on Time Capsule by Samantha Mealing,Rachel de Joode and Herbert Gmoser.“In the course of pursuing Bio Art we have
  • SOMMERER &MIGNONNEAUThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2023Text & Interview by Carla Zamora“A dark room. It contains plants, and there’s a large-format projection in thebackground. A group of astonished individuals are touching the plants –
  • Adrianne Wortzel has worked in the field of robotic and telerobotic art for over five decades. Her works combine historic and cultural perspectives with fictive narrative to deploy that considered mix in several genres: robotic and telerobotic
  • Age of experience -
    "Age of experience" exhibition at the "Angewandte Innovation Lab" of the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria | Group exhibition of SCM teachers and students, including Tamas Waliczky's "Homes" installation and "Marionettes" animation.