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  • ... Photo Weekend'. imai - inter media art institute, NRW Forum, Düsseldorf, Germany. 30.1. - 8.2. 2015. Opening: 29 January...
  • ... moving into a trance. The other presents the State’s armed forces: the worrying and repressive face of the police. The viewer, by...
  • ... Verfahren als Konzentrate und Verdichtungen zu formalisieren. Während extensive Feldforschungen verbunden mit...
  • ... the internet and the emergence of networks, and considers any form of data to be a new clay that can be used to develop autonomous...
  • ... concerned with ecology, sustainability, and media. Since its formation in 2001 it has produced a series of critically acclaimed...
  • ... collections of the British Council, V&A, MoMA, New York. Forthcoming projects include designing the pathways for the British...
  • (W)orld Currency -
    ..."This artwork illustrates a global currency through the creative formulation of an equation and a trading algorithm for the currency...
  • //**Code_UP -
    ... the role of the code in the meaning construction and the forms of visibility mediated by mobile communication devices. In...
  • 1,4..19 -
    ...Animal experimentation is a common practice for people. We have used the standard metaphor of a mouse in a labyrinth to study the mechanics of...
  • ... materiality and the placement of images. The art project asks for the experiences made with images changed by machine interaction...