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  • ... between experiencing these works viewers-users and extended, multidimensional resources of...
  • ... They have become invisible & inaudible. However, even today, by simply installing the... across the touch-sensitive projection. Users are invited to hover above, roll over, pause...
  • 05 March/10:43 pm -
    ... live projection, floating in the room, showing a person who is collapsed on a chair, with a... audience, apparently encouraged by fellow users in a chat room. The physical setting...
  • ... deals with the world of information, user-generated content and news about places,...
  • ... Audio, forthcoming); a work with Daniel Howe still untitled to be releasednext year on... often develop thegenerative texts to be used in the works. I work with Ableton live and...
  • ... in normal syntax. A machine that explains how paradox functions. A machine that expresses... avoided Repulsion / Attraction the tools used to lime / line game fields - white line... these as a closed system from one sentence to the other make a machine or write a...
  • 24hour Social -
    ... video installation that questions how identities are constructed as data in an era... designed to collect and sell data on its users. This project examines the tension between...
  • ... with computer and image technologies- how were you perceived by the people around you?I... was a pediatrician and in the ‘70s he used an electronic stethoscope toamplify the sound...
  • ... artificial and biological systems - and how he, as an artist,could apply these new... i.e. organic life formsthrough the use of genetic engineering techniques should be a... thing that moves upon the earth." This sentence from the biblical book of Genesis...
  • ... ideas of the time and as an example of how media art opens up newperspectives on human... recent European history to the emergent use of digital technologies.31Fleischmann,...