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... any form of data to be a new clay that can be used to develop autonomous artistic processes. His most recent projects include the...
... new digital and local complementary currencies, preserving autonomy and diversification within universal acceptance. The...
... with the immersive virtual reality environment CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment), is extensively deployed in...
... and generate 55 billion unique, fortuituous questions. The automated questions are presented at a rate of 33 per minute --the...
...ugger, Ralf. 3D-Computergrafik und -animation. Mit einer Beschreibung von Autodesk 3D Studio. Bonn, München, Paris: Addison-Wesely, 1993.
400s -... in diameter. These soft-formed elements are not regarded as autonomous and destroyed or recycled after the exhibition. Although...
...Berkeley, Edmund C.. 6th Annual Computer Art Contest Computers and Automation 17, no. 8 (1968): 6.
DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. A emergência de emoções Artificiais: a condição interface ada vivida seamless, nômade, móvel e autônoma em Ciberinstalações Emoção Artificial 3.0 interfaces cibernética (2007).
...Grau, Oliver. A história da telepresenca: automatos, ilusao e a rejeicao do corpo In Corpos Virtuais, edited by Ivana Bentes, 112-117. Rio de...