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  • Allen, Rebecca. 'Fire and Air', 'Laberint' In Visual Proceedings, edited by John Grimes and Gray LorigChigaco: 1992. Allen, Rebecca. 'Fire and Air', 'Laberint' In Visual Proceedings, edited by John Grimes and Gray LorigChigaco: 1992.
  • ... Music. It featured the musical acts, Rex Bruce, J3m5 (James Allen) and Hookah. A grouping of some of his favorite electronic...
  • ... (Chris Holland) and modular synthplayers like J3M5 (James Allen) and Rex Bruce (whom coincidently was the director of LACDA)At...
  • ... for the new Norman Foster designed world headquarters of Allen and Overy, Spitalfields, City of London. (source:...
  • ‘Artists’ Conquest’ is the first in a new exhibition series organised by the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections) and the Staatliche Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen (State Palaces, Castles and Gardens of Saxony).
  • Behave -
    ... system that simulates natural flocking behavior. (Rebecca Allen) system that simulates natural flocking behavior. (Rebecca Allen)
  • ... networks are on their way to becoming virtual environments. Rebecca Allen is exploring the possibilities and the implications... are on their way to becoming virtual environments. Rebecca Allen is exploring the possibilities and the implications Challenge...
  • Coexistence -
    ... that integrates breathing sensors and haptic feedback. (Rebecca Allen) integrates breathing sensors and haptic feedback. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Allen, Rebecca and Eitan Mendelowitz. Coexistence In CAST01 // Living in Mixed Realities, edited by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang... Allen, Rebecca and Eitan Mendelowitz. Coexistence In CAST01 // Living in Mixed Realities, edited by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang...
  • Allen, Rebecca. Computer Animation: A New Aesthetic Approach In Proceedings of l'Imaginaire Numerique, Paris: Hermes, 1986. Allen, Rebecca. Computer Animation: A New Aesthetic Approach In Proceedings of l'Imaginaire Numerique, Paris: Hermes, 1986.