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  • lecture: "Object-Oriented Feminism"
  • The 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art is awarded to Monika Fleischmann, a research artist that has contributed to the field of interactive media art since the 1980s to the present day. She has
  • KONDITION PLURIELThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2024Text & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones Roa“Integrating body-based performance and digital arts, the artists generate alanguage outside of established disciplines, focusing as much on the
  • As Falling Falls -
    As Falling Falls is a double interactive video projection using high resolution video projectors and two computers with a remote visual sensing system for viewer interaction. On each screen is visible a number of dancers of the Stephen Petronio
  • Beyond Pages -
    Masaki Fujihata calls many of his works “experiments”. To him, BEYOND PAGES is a piece of art. This is among others due to the well-defined framework conditions that—contrary to many of his other works—are not designed as an open process. The
  • Living in Mixed Realities What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, life
  • Event: City Hacking, cartes à gratter le territoireInstitution: Programmation orientée art, LAMComment:
  • A white cube was constructed in the club, inverting the familiar “white cube” gallery space. Inside, instructions encouraged participants to disclose secrets into a microphone. Their mute video was displayed on the dance floor, while their
  • CURATORIAL STATEMENT:Many of the prominent international practitioners in the field of software art could not participate in the first version of CODeDOC since the Whitney Museum is, by its mission, devoted to American artists (citizens and artists
  • Everitt, Dave and Fania Raczinski. Creative Zombie Apocalypse: A Critique of Computer Creativity Evaluation 2016 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) , no. (March 2016).