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  • ... Kabel curated by Renny Ramakers, website Pioneers of Change Nature as Artifice, New Dutch Landscape in Photography and Video Art, George Eastman House, Rochester, NY, USA / Aperture Gallery, New York, NY, USA
  • ... for what has since become known as computer-generated art and computer-aided art analysis, including graphics, film, video, animation, special effects, Virtual Reality and Multimedia. Her work was recognized for its aesthetic success and was the...
  • ... science at the University of Wisconsin. Krueger has been working together with artists since 1969. He has been working on «Videoplace» since 1974. In that same year, he received his PhD in ‹Computer-Controlled Responsive Environments.› He was teacher and...
  • ... has worked, for 40 plus years, across a broad range of different media including: assemblage, sculpture, installation, film, video, performance, photography, print, drawing and painting. His primary interests are concerned with exploring the nature of power...
  • ... of the natural world. Since 2003 a new and very exciting avenue of work has opened up that may be roughly categorized as videographic/music. I have generated video sequences from still images that have then been composited into pieces ranging from four...
  • ... (IP) in 1973 and along with Carolina Cruz-Neira, and Tom DeFanti he invented a multi-person, room-sized, high-resolution 3D video and audio environment in 1991named the CAVE-Automatic Virtual Enviroment . His work has been exhibited in Ars Electronica...
  • ... Art Institute of Chicago. Her MFA studies at SAIC led her to explore the relationship between photography, sculpture, and video art, while being inspired by the spiritual nature of Outsider Art. In the early 1980s, Sandor had the unique vision to...
  • ... Art and Media Karlsruhe. Weibel developed an artistic practice on experimental literature and performance working in film, video, interactive electronic environments. He critically approach their function for the construction of reality and work on the...
  • ...Teresa Wennberg is a painter and a multimedia artist. Beside her painting career, she started making video in 1978 at the Centre Pompidou Paris and is considered a pioneer in video art and computer art. A multidisciplinary background: law, economics, languages at...
  • ... dieses mit einer interaktiven CD-ROM in Kyongju/Südkorea. Für mein Kunstdiplom habe ich eine Performance entwickelt, die in einem Video mit dem Titel „Argumente für einen Raum“ zu sehen ist. Das Thema ist eine Auseinandersetzung mit einem ausgewählten Innenhof der...