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  • ... computer-aided design, visualization of scientific phenomena , magnetic resonance imaging, education for the deaf, architecture, and...
  • ... she has artistically developed such techniques as the magnetic induction to realize her sound installations. Since 1986 the...
  • ... While some of her work builds on explorations of magnetism, ferrofluid dynamics and simulations of the natural using...
  • ... filled with pale blue liquid. Each panel has an electro-magnetic air valve which can release bursts of air bubbles. Optica...
  • ... A microcomputer then controls the functioning of electro-magnetic solenoids in the sculpture that select the order of the blue...
  • ... to the auditorium. Into each tubular channel, electro-magnetic valves can release measured quantities of either air or...
  • ... has Psyche and her family believe she has been sacrificed to a monster. Although repulsed by the idea of sleeping with a monster she...
  • Five into one est l'une des premières oeuvres en « réalité virtuelle ». Le principe en est de construire une image tridimensionnelle globale, virtuelle, c'est-à-dire exclusivement calculée et mise en mémoire dans un ordinateur.
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    ... imagine a block of rubber, as hard as steel that increases its magnetic attraction to other objects based on it's temperature!)....
  • ... view the virtual environment from the correct perspective, a magnetic tracking system follows the navigator's head in real time. A...