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  • ... Goldberg, Marta de Menezes, Miguel Chevalier, Oron Catts, Philip Ross, Roman Kirschner, Stelarc, Suzanne Anker curated by Leonel Moura, website INSIDE CONFINES, Geography of the Border, IVAM Centre, Valencia, Spain with a.o. R&Sie(n), Alexander Ross,...
  • ... colleagues to construct 3-dimensional models of the Refectory at Santa Maria Grazie to study the perspective construction of Leonardo’s Last Supper and, more recently, a finite element model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to aid in the preservation of the...
  • ... through university students and founded the world's first Internet-based school, the ISIS Editorial School. (
  • ... de l’Image, Université Paris VIII, and a PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC São Paulo. She traced the plan of ‘New Leonardos’ in Brazil at the University of Brasilia and UNICAMP, based on the creative minds of artists and scientists to redefine the...
  • ... enterprise. In 2009 he was appointed European Ambassador for Creativity and Innovation by the European Commission. Leonel Moura promotes a new kind of art based on machine creativity.
  • ... of New Mexico and Co-director of SARC (Science Art Research Collaboration). She had been in the editorial board of Leonardo since 1987. She has invested her lifetime working on the intersections of art and science researching on music...
  • ... (2009-current), and the MIT Media Lab (2011-current); and the Board of Directors of ZERO1 San Jose, the Editorial Board of Leonardo, and the Scientific Council of the Boltzmann Institute for Media Arts Research in Linz; and has been a member of the Society...
  • ... the Aesthetic Edge. He has written extensively for publications including: MIT Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, the Leonardo Journal for the Arts & Sciences, LINK, ART LIES, Hyperallergic, and Cambridge University Press. He holds an MFA and PhD in...
  • Spanish artist who has evolved over time towards video art and later in based on the sculpture. This way, his works moving from traditional scuptural concepts to the use of new technologies, he moved from photography to video art, followed
  • ... of responsive architecture. He has authored and edited eight books and appeared on the cover of Artificial Life (MIT), LEONARDO and AD journals. Features include national CBC news, Casa Vogue, WIRED, and a series of TED talks. His work was selected to...